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M&A and market operations communication

Mergers, acquisitions and other market operations are important changes for a company or group, which can be sources of tension and concern for their employees and their environment. Communication is one of the essential levers for defusing crises, enabling the issues involved in such operations to be explained, and ultimately facilitating their execution.

Highly specific, communication concerning financial operations requires both specialists, with an in-depth knowledge of the financial environment and its operation, and communication professionals.

It may be addressed to a variety of audiences including employees, corporate clients or suppliers, regulatory authorities and the political environment (regional, national, or international), and also shareholders (individual and corporate), journalists and analysts who will report on the operation and develop what can be said about it.

Financial and economic culture is the foundation of CORPCOM consultants’ expertise; they are also supported by a network of trusted experts depending on the nature and challenges of the missions entrusted to them.

Industrial sector

Automobile sector

Aeronautics sector

Service sector

Energy sector

Food-processing sector